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 Post subject: Regional Lutherie Clubs
PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:03 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Anyone have the history on the password protected “Regional Lutherie Clubs” forum?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:03 pm 
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I don’t know the history, but I see that the last post was almost two years ago. So, whatever it was before, it is dormant now.

Do I remember correctly that you are in Ohio? I’m in Charleston, WV. I will commit to joining any luthier group that is within a half day’s drive of here, which includes most parts of Ohio. Let me know if organizing a group for this part of the country is possible.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 9:10 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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That is certainly on my mind as well... after attending the Seattle group meeting I saw the value of something like that. It’s a little tough for all of us being geographically separated but I would like to explore it.

I know Greg Maxwell is nearby and Klooker as well.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:13 am 
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There's a great group in St Louis (Gateway Area Luthiers). If you're close enough, come on by. We have a yearly gathering. I believe this year we're looking at late September.

Many members of the group are from this forum and some travel quite a distance to get there. Always a good time to be had!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:01 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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What Chris said.

I would encourage anyone who can to start up a regional group meeting. It really is nice to spend the day with other builders. I learn a ton every year at our St. Louis gathering. If anyone is within striking distance of St. Louis and hasn't been or hasn't heard about it, let me know. Bonus, ours is at Hibdon and you get to go up into the room full of back and side sets to pick out what you want to buy.

Bryan Bear PMoMC

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:57 am 
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As great as St. Louis sounds, it is a 7.5 hour drive for me (one way), so if I ever make the trip, it will only be once a year.

If anyone in Ohio, Kentucky, Western Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, Western North Carolina, or East Tennessee wants to talk about organizing a group for those a bit further east than St. Louis, let me know. I can get to most of those places in a half day.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:07 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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There are several guitar builders on the DelMarVa peninsula, but I think we are a pretty antisocial bunch. laughing6-hehe
Several years ago a group of us from the MIMForum got together in the Baltimore area. I think most of us would rather be making chips than going to a meeting that in reality should be offering a 12 step program

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:58 pm 
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I read a bunch of introvert tweets recently, and my favorite was: Why would I go big when I can go home?

So, I hear you, Clay. But I'm willing to bet there are some guitar builders strewn throughout my part of flyover country that wouldn't mind overcoming their shyness for a visit to someone else's shop.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:03 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood

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"I read a bunch of introvert tweets recently, and my favorite was: Why would I go big when I can go home?"

I love that tweet. It makes so much sense. How often do people spend their time "growing their business" at the expense of taking the time to live their life.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:18 am 
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doncaparker wrote:
As great as St. Louis sounds, it is a 7.5 hour drive for me (one way), so if I ever make the trip, it will only be once a year.

If anyone in Ohio, Kentucky, Western Pennsylvania, Western Virginia, Western North Carolina, or East Tennessee wants to talk about organizing a group for those a bit further east than St. Louis, let me know. I can get to most of those places in a half day.

we only meet once a year sooooooooooo :D

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:30 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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It might be a good idea to have people post here with either 1) any groups that exist, where they are and how often they meet 2) if you are interested in starting or finding a group, where you are what you have in mind.

It might help people hook up and get things started. Ours has already been mentioned but to get the ball rolling:

St. Louis, Missouri -- We have a gathering once per year (end of September) at Hibdon Hardwoods. it goes from 8:00 am to about 4:00 pm. It is a relaxed environment where people can display what they are working on or just come and discuss instrument making with like minded people. We try to have a few demonstrations each year and Hibdon allows us to go up in the wood room to pick out purchases. We get people form MO, IL, AR, IN so if you feel like driving in and want info PM me or Wud.

Bryan Bear PMoMC

Take care of your feet, and your feet will take care of you.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:53 pm 
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The St Louis group get together is just a great day of talking, trying out guitars and learning new stuff. It takes me six hours to get there from Chicago(slow driver) but it’s well worth the trip.

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