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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 8:47 am 
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Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:19 am
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First name: Richard
Last Name: Hutchings
City: Warwick
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Zip/Postal Code: 02889
Country: United States
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
Bought at a local lumber yard 10 minutes from me. $56 for it all. Some kind of mahogany and basswood for linings. I think I'll be able to get a few necks out of that.


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Get the heck off the couch and go build a guitar!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:26 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:33 am
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That looks like lovely stock, and I've always enjoyed the sense of accomplishment when the back of the truck is filled with timbers and anything seems possible. I have really enjoyed seeing your progress! Will you use what looks like a 3" x 3" as heel blocks, or is it large enough to get out one-piece necks?

If I might deflect the thread a your Ridgid tablesaw one of the granite-topped models? If so, how do you find that surface in terms of maintenance? At present, most stationary tools in my shop will go in what was at one time a garden shed, with band saw, bench, and hand tools inside. Without air conditioning in what is still - even up in the mountains a bit - muggy MD/WV, I'm a bit concerned about the amount of time spent on waxing and treating cast iron tables, so looking at alternatives such as aluminum (the Inca and mobile Bosch saws) and granite (some Steel City and Ridgid tools).

A constellation only takes shape when one maps the whole.
- Beth Brower

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:56 am 
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Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:19 am
Posts: 1570
First name: Richard
Last Name: Hutchings
City: Warwick
State: RI
Zip/Postal Code: 02889
Country: United States
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
Notice the block on top of the basswood. That will be for blocks.

The table saw top is cast iron and it was severely rusted and pitted when I bought it. You can still see the pits but they aren't a problem. I keep it waxed and in tune unlike the previous owner.

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Get the heck off the couch and go build a guitar!!!!

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