Yeah, but if you change a bunch of stuff all at once you can't say which thing did what.

Most of the articles I've seen where they tried to evaluate the effect of various brace profiles have come to the conclusion that, as my friend Mark Blanchard says: "The sound is in the top". The best bracing setup in the world won't make a bad top produce great sound, but it's distressingly easy to mess up a good top with poorly thought out or executed bracing.
If you look at the ways an unbraced top vibrates when it's off the guitar, you'll find that it's pretty much like a properly braced one, just at lower frequencies. You could get the same result in most respects by simply leaving the top thicker, so that it would be stiff enough to withstand the static bridge torque over time. The problem with that is that the top would be too heavy to make much sound. So one way to look at it is that we add bracing to stiffen the top up structurally, and then try to minimize the damage it does acoustically by getting the profiles 'right'. Brace profiles can alter the tone some in the lower end in particular: as I mentioned, 'scalloped' profiles favor low end and 'punch', while 'tapered' bracing tends to favor higher end and, especially, sustain. But this is not a simple system, and there are lots of ways to get similar outcomes. The 'right' brace profile for one top or shape of guitar might be 'wrong' for another.
As I said, the designs we have are pretty robust. Lots of people have been making guitars for a long time, and everybody is always trying to improve them. Once in a great while somebody comes up with something that works a little better, and everybody else copies it right away. That feature becomes part of the 'standard'. That's why it's hard to improve on the 'standard' by very much, and why building carefully to the 'standard' usually results in a pretty good guitar. But there's a catch.
Whenever you look at a highly evolved system you'll find that there will be little variation in the features that matter. All cheetahs can run about the same speed for the same distance. If one came along that could run faster or further
at no cost those traits would be spread throughout the gene pool in a hurry, and pretty soon they'd all meet the new standard (and the antelopes would get faster, too...). This puts a premium on small advantages: the cheetah that got a better night's sleep will probably be a much more successful hunter the next day. In guitar terms the equivalent would be taking a basically good guitar and giving it a proper setup, fussing with the intonation, and maybe a little bit of brace shaving or even just swapping out pins or tuners to make the guitar better.
To my thinking, 'tap tuning' or other such methods of brace shaping are efforts to 'make a better guitar', rather than 'making a guitar better'. It's an attempt to do 'up front' what an experienced luthier could do with the assembled guitar after the fact. With such a complicated thing it's hard to 'prove' that such methods work. It's hard, for example, to show systematic differences in the outcome, if only because it's hard get the measurements, and impossible to control some things you'd like to control. There is, however, an interesting way to think about it.
It can be argued that the differences between 'good' and 'great' guitars are mostly in the high frequency range. This is, however, the 'resonance continuum' where, as I said in my previous post, the resonances are closer together than their band widths. This makes them so tightly coupled that it's not possible to say exactly why you see a particular peak in the output, say, at a given frequency: you have no direct control over it in advance. We do know, however, that some makers can consistently produce 'better' guitars than others using the same woods and basic designs. How is this possible if they have no direct control over the things that make the guitars better?
There are two possible answers that I can see. One is that they are 'making their guitars better' after the fact by some sort of fine tuning. This is certainly common. However, there are some makers who don't seem to need to do much of that; they are 'making better guitars'. In that case, what they must be doing is using some sort of
indirect control to establish the conditions that will make the guitar better once it's assembled. A technique such as 'tap tuning' could be such an indirect control.
Tim White, who published the 'Journal of Guitar Acoustics' some decades back has said that all systems of guitar acoustics can be seen as 'religions': they work for the people who believe in them, and make no sense to anybody else. Perhaps he's right. OTOH, vaccination for smallpox was once such a 'belief', that caught on because it worked (when it didn't kill the person vaccinated), and was only understood later. They figured it out through careful observation and by isolating variables to understand the causes. And that was a more complex system than we're dealing with.