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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:25 pm 

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Was routing this out today, new bit, less than 1/8" from the template, and yoink, off it went. I was busting my ass on this neck too, thankfully I have plenty of indiand rosewood in supply, just sucks to start over, this was scarf jointed, but the replacement will be a standard fender style headstock. More notable however, is that all the glue joints held, but then again, this split along the grain.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:02 pm 
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That's pretty gnarly. How exactly were you routing it with a scarf joint already done? Maybe you could cut it and bind a light colored fretboard with it. I find lots of good uses for scrap material. Today I made up a bunch of cocobolo guitar pics.

Glad you had extra material.


PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:33 pm 

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Not that hard at all, I lay the neck flat on the fretboard surface and route the sides, then I have a headstock template I double stick tape to the headstock, press it flat on my router table with the fretboard area now being up at an angle and just route it.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:41 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Jimmy I'm not sure what direction you were traveling but it should have been from the head stock then down the neckshaft. Picture looks like you were traveling up towards the headstock. Against the grain rather the with the grain. I'm not sure of this but that's how it looks to me.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:10 am 
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routers are evil.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:49 am 
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Are you going to have a head plate veneer and backstrap? If so, why not just cut another scarf and stick another piece on there? No one will ever know.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:14 am 
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Looks like a doofus move of the month contender ! :D +1 on the repair , I think you could fix that and no one would be the wiser , at least from the pic I see

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:19 pm 

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I was going to veneer it, but it's scrap now, I would never try to cover that up and use it now. I've made quite a few necks and never had anything nearly this bad happen. Oh well, just start over.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:23 pm 
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jimmysux wrote:
I was going to veneer it, but it's scrap now, I would never try to cover that up and use it now. I've made quite a few necks and never had anything nearly this bad happen. Oh well, just start over.

Wonder how many times a weekend those words are utterd by olf members ? laughing6-hehe

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:12 pm 
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verhoevenc wrote:
I think you misunderstood what he was saying. If you transfered the scarf from the "in headstock" design most use here, to a "in neck" design like you see on most Ibanez guitars, you'd easily cut off all the cracked part. So it wouldn't be a fix of the cracked wood, you'd be cutting that off and essentially would be making a new neck.

Actually, I WAS thinking of simply repairing the crack, and adding a new scarf to the top of the headstock to fix what had broken off completely. A headplate and backstrap would make it as strong as it ever needs to be, and the fingerboard would do the rest. The only evidence would be in the back of the neck, which would probably just completely disappear after the carve.

I'll also admit that I had the brightness on my monitor turned way down when I first saw this, for whatever reason, and didn't at all notice that it was actually cracked right down the neck. I though it was just the top of the headstock that flew off.

Regardless, I like your idea better.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:38 am 
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Looking at the pencil lines and blowout at headstock, and also the wandering that has occurred when the truss rod slot was cut, I reckon the main problem here has been setting up the cut to remove 'far' too much material in the one pass..Routers are not evil, but they do have a lots of power. If a user bogs the machine down, all that power is going to be released somewhere.

I am not trying to be critical but hand held tools with a 1/2" or 1/4" shank bit should not be confused with a 5hp static spindle moulder. I have used both machines extensively over the years and my experience is that both of these machines 'need' to maintain rpm or you are dealing with potential disaster, especially with a 5hp SM..Its true that carbide cutters are forgiving, but they're designed to remove chips 'and' heat at specific rate. Therefore they need to be given a fighting chance to operate as designed. High feed rates or trying to remove too much wood at one time simply does not allow that...Be careful very, a wild horse galloping at 30,000 rpm will make an awful mess of a lot more than just its wooden corral if you insist upon whipping it. ;)



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:07 am 

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I can assure you the trussrod channel is straight and true, you are seeing an optical illusion of the grain pattern mixed with the shadow of the channel.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:04 pm 

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Started over, came out much better this time.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:32 am 
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Looks great! Great job!
I like your boldness using a scarf-jointed, 3x3 headstock on a strat. Most strat lovers would probably say it looks weird, but no one will confuse that with a Fender. I love strats, but I do not like the straight pull headstock with string retainers. I much prefer an angled headstock. Kudos to you.


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