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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:43 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 pm
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First name: Mark
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I am in love with playing a fretless bass. There it is. They are so sleek to look at and fun to play, I hardly even glance at my fretted instruments anymore. So for my next build, I'm designing another fretless. But this time, it's something a bit different.

It'll be my third self-made instrument, and my first neck-through-body build.

First, the specs!


The neck and body will be 100% hard white maple. The reasons for this aresimple: it's cheap and strong. The neck and body wood all together cost me $38 after tax. From the beginning of the design process, I have planned to paint this guitar. The wood I have acquired isn't particularly pretty, so that decision is made all the easier.

The body will be relatively thin. I am starting with 6/4 maple, which is actually 1-5/16" thick. I am not putting a drop top plate on it or anything. After planing and sanding, I expect the body will be a max thickness of 1-1/4". The neck is made from the same size lumber, but will be significantly thinner. At the nut, the neck wood (excluding fingerboard) should be no more than 5/8" thick. It will thicken slightly toward the body, and I'm anticipating 3/4" thickness around the 20th fret, where it starts to get thicker as it joins the body.

The body will have a 5/8" roundover on the front and back. As it will be 5/4" thick, it will thus have a round profile. I'm hoping that the highly rounded edge will give it a sleek look.

The neck will have a single double-action truss rod, a Graphtech Tusq-XL nut, and an ebony fingerboard. The fingerboard will be slotted with 24 positions for a 34" scale and will have a radius of 10". The fret slots will be filled with a high-impact white styrene plastic, which I acquired on Amazon in 0.020" thickness for about $10 for 4 square feet (24x24"). I'm using 4 Gotoh GB7 bass tuners in black. That reminds me, it's a 4-string bass.

The neck and body will have the same finish. Right now, I'm planning on either a candy apple red, or candy purple finish. The fingerboard will be polished, but otherwise unfinished.


There will be no magnetic pickups. I'm using an undersaddle transducer only. This is inspired by Rob Allen's excellent and beautiful instruments. I don't expect to cop the same vibe as the construction methods and materials I am using are very different from what Mr. Allen does. To be honest, I don't know what I expect it to sound like. It's just going to be another color in the palette.

The pickup I am using is an EMG AT-125-O undersaddle piezoelectric transducer. That will go into a cafe walter audio PZP-1 piezo pickup buffer. After that, the electronics are passive. I'm using 250K-Ohm noble potentiometers for volume and tone, with a 0.047uF tone capacitor. I've got a flat-mounted battery box and a Switchcraft barrel-style stereo output jack. The battery box requires only a 3/4" deep body route, so depth won't be a problem.


The bridge will be solid ebony. The design I have come up with is about 4" wide, 1/2" tall, and about 2" deep. It'll be shaped and polished with a 1/8" saddle slot. The saddle is a Graphtech Tusq 1/8" saddle blank. The strings will be mounted through the body and bridge, over the saddles, and up to the nut and tuners.

So overall, it's a pretty simple, yet unusual bass. There isn't much to its construction, nor is there much to its electronics.

Here's the body/neck design:

And here's the bridge:

There are a few things to this that I am not 100% confident about, so I hope I can get some creative input from the pros here.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:30 pm 
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I've had 3 fretless basses, and they've all been fun to build and play.

"Act your age, not your shoe size" - Prince

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:35 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 pm
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I have gotten a little bit of work done so far.

I ripped the 6/4 maple body piece inti to two correctly sized pieces:

Then I transferred the design by covering the face with masking tape and gluing the template to the tape:

Then I cut them out (slowly) on a scroll saw:

I need a bandsaw in a big way.

Here are the rough cut body pieces next to the neck plank:

The body pieces will be trimmed to the plywood template (after the template is trimmed to the hardboard template) before being glued to the neck piece.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:07 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:17 am
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Hi Mark,

I think it's a wonderful design/project. I like the Alembic flavor.

I've built only one neck-thru bass (fretted) and being a guitarist not
really up on the instrument or designs I learned of Michael Pedulla while gathering info.

A feature that I noticed on one of his basses I really like and have used-not
only on the bass but also a Strat style.

Naturally the cut should be made before attaching the wings and body thickness.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:15 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 pm
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Sandywood wrote:
Hi Mark,

I think it's a wonderful design/project. I like the Alembic flavor.

I've built only one neck-thru bass (fretted) and being a guitarist not
really up on the instrument or designs I learned of Michael Pedulla while gathering info.

A feature that I noticed on one of his basses I really like and have used-not
only on the bass but also a Strat style.

Naturally the cut should be made before attaching the wings and body thickness.

Hi Sandy, and thanks! I like to think of it as Alembic omega tail meets BC Rich (though I would never suggest that anything I make is on the level of Alembic's work). I may be one of the only people who loves the Warlock, so the design purposely has a bit of a suggestion of a curvy, maybe more refined and socially acceptable warlock.

I really like those continuous cavity covers, but I don't think I'm going to try it with this build. I'm planning a chambered mahogany super-tele build for next year, and I'm thinking of doing it with that one.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:38 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 pm
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The piezo buffer preamp arrived today, and it's tiny!

(Shown for size comparison next to a quarter and a British 2p coin)

I had it built without the optional output trim pot or second battery clip, because it does not need to share a power supply, and it's not going to be added to an existing pickup system.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:44 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:22 pm
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Status: Amateur
I got the plywood body template cut out today:


The pickup holes and neck pocket are for a 7-string guitar that is being made with the same body shape/size.

I also received the fingerboard from LMII on friday. I ordered it pre-slotted with 24 fret slots on a 34" scale, and pre-radiused with a 10" radius. I'm going to try to get the neck scarf cut soonish so I can route the truss rod channel and taper the neck (then glue and taper the fingerboard and install the fret lines).

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