cyborgcnc wrote: many questions being fired....where to start?
Kernel Speed: Whatever value you choose, depends on a couple of factors: How good is the computer you are running it on, and how fast you want your machine to be? The two are related. A higher kernel speed, given a particular step on your motors (like 1/8, 1/16 etc) will be able to drive the steppers at a given speed. If your kernel speed is not fast enough, then you will be limited to how fast your steppers can move or rapid, at a given step resolution. There are a couple of good threads explaining this on the forums (like cnc zone).
-You MUST get the port address down. But you already know that....if you can not map it in mach3, you will not be able to get things done. In addition, I have heard bad things with folks running parallel ports on PCMCIA cards etc. Some, do NOT have the proper voltage levels that the controller expects to see, and hence, many issues arise. Again, search on cnczone, and you will see some of the cards people have used and worked, while others who do not...(Another reason why a laptop is a bad choice....).
-Yes, it is OK for the motors to hiss...that is not an issue. It is current running through their coils, so that is normal.
-Yes, switch the x and y, and see if they behave the same, and vice versa. In other words, if you switch the x motor, and it is now on your Y, and it works normally, the motor is OK!
-yes, use the slowest kernel speed at first. What step resolution have you configured the xylotex board for? (It is on the jumpers).
-Do not worry to much about the G number at can fine tune later....
Andrew Werby from e-mailed me with a great idea. Just swap the connectors! Much easier. So I did this and found the problem shifted to the Y axis and the X as now ok.
Next step is to try to use the 4th axis to drive the X. I'm trying to figure out what I need to do in Mach. I need to assign the Step Pin # and Dir Pin # from the A(4th) axis to X in my Ports & Pins config? Both my Z and my A have DirLowActive checked. I haven't figured out if I select that on the X axis or not. EDIT- did this and nothing bad happened. Still not sure about which way DirLow should be though. It seems to move with either setting but then I'm just jogging it with the cursor arrows.
As far as "step resolution on Xylotex board"... Doc page says:
Driver is set at 8 microstep mode
Steppers are 200 steps per revolution.
Steps per unit is 32000
I know the laptop was not recommended. The Startech port was one of the more expensive ones and at least 2 other people got them to work with laptops and Mach3. It was recommended as the most like a real parallel port.
Not having a breakout board makes me leery of using a borrowed PC. I'm not saying I think the laptop's great or that it won't cause a raft of problems in the future... I just didn't think it was the cause of my X axis problem. So it looks like I have a blown X axis driver. Knowing my life, the laptop-related issues will be more subtle and harder to debug. ;->
Thanks so much for dealing with all of my questions!