Perusing the MIMF sent me to the
Renaissance Cittern Site and this page on the Orpharion built by in London by Francis Palmer in 1617, and held in the Collection of Musikmuseet, Musikhistorisk Museum & Carl Claudius’ Samling, Copenhagen, Denmark. This is an interesting instrument as it is a very early example of a fan-fretted instrument with a bass string length of 601.5mm and a treble string length of 518.5mm:

Even more interestimg is that a technical drawing and a report on the condition of the Palmer orpharion by Darryl Martin are available for free as PDF downloads, courtesy of the Musikhistorisk Museum of Copenhagen, Denmark. There are also links on the site to articles about the instrument and it's construction.
This is a very cool and interesting instrument that yet again demonstrates that there is little in modern "innovation" that is truly new. Maybe we should have an OLF Orpharion Making Competition.
Dave White
De Faoite Stringed Instruments". . . the one thing a machine just can't do is give you character and personalities and sometimes that comes with flaws, but it always comes with humanity" Monty Don talking about hand weaving, "Mastercrafts", Weaving, BBC March 2010