I visited with my good friend and golf buddy, John yesterday at his new shop. It is massive when compared to the basement of his former home in Wisconsin. As any good business man would do, his CNC machines were set up first and running...and doing marvelous things as they cut tiny pieces of MOP and hog out much larger fingerboards and necks.
As time permits, John is methodically building work benches, racks and unpacking the equipment and supplies as needed.
The first thing I wanted to know is where are the 92 chisels that so prominantly occupied a wall above his former workbench? In this facility, they occupy a section in one of the many roll-around Snap-On tool cabinets...but then who needs chisels when you have a machine that can run for hours with the lights off!
It will be awhile before the rest of the facility becomes completely filled but he certainly has the room to support the continuous growth that he has experienced.
One reason for visiting John was also to get his feedback on the 2 electrics I have in progress. John makes some of the most impressive electrics you'll ever see. I showed him a curly maple carved top LP-type that I proudly proclaimed took me 7 hours to contour using a finger plane, rasps, files and sandpaper. He showed me one that his CNC was able to fashion in a matter of minutes! Impressive...but I still like mine better!
Before I get pummeled for not taking pics I want to let you all know that my camera is broken and if you want future pics of my travels you can send your donation to the "JJ Camera Fund" at my Paypal address!!!

That should keep the criticism to a whisper!!!

Good luck to John... and I sure hope to see him back on the forum once his time permits.