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 Post subject: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:32 am 
Lance / Brock

As of this a.m. the system still won't recognize me.

I tried to trick it by giving just my user name but requesting my password via luck. Said no user by that name.

I tried to re-register using my old user name but was told that username was already in use and could not be given out again.

I'll wait a week or so and see if all this gets resolved.

Best of luck y'all.

Tom Armstrong
gasawdust ....I think.

 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:42 am 
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Tom, your in the system as


Try requesting a new PW using Gasawdust, case sensitive.

Let me know.

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 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:51 am 
Lance, I have the same issue. My username is glasalle, but it wont recognize the email address, so wont send me a new password,

I was thinking of re-registering under a differnt name ... but would rather not :)


 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:14 am 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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I had the same issue too... Finally the coders had to send me my password.

Currently I don't have admin privledges, as soon as I get these Lance and I will help those who are struggling reset their passwords.

Sorry, I know this is frustrating (it is for me too), but hang in there, we will get there.

Brock Poling
Columbus, Ohio

 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:27 pm 
Lance / Brock,
Noop....still doesn't like me. I'll just wait til you guys get Admin rights and straighten it out later. Until then .....I'll be your guest.


 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:47 pm 
I had to misspell my name to get to post. The system knows the name, but won't recognize my email addresses (I've tried them all) or old password.

No reply yet to my email to Brock asking for help. I know you have a lot of helping to do Brock; please let me know how I can get back on when you can.

I gather there is some interim password?

I'll be lurking.

Howard Klepper

 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:49 pm 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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Yeah, sorry Howard.

I keep thinking I will get my admin privledges turned on any second and I can help you out... but for whatever reason that seems to be taking longer than I hoped.

There is an interim password. It should have been mailed to you. Your spam catcher might have got it. Mine finally came FROM my guitar building address. If all the mails were sent with the to and from fields the same that is a sure fire way to plant the message in the spam box.

Even still... once I get my admin status I will help some of you sort out your password issues.

Again sorry for the problems and we really do appreciate your understanding.

Brock Poling
Columbus, Ohio

 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:57 pm 
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I was having all sorts of problems over the last two days. Today...everything seems to work perfect. Only glitch seemed to be that when I was penning a response to a post (on some one elses thread)and someone else posted in the mean time my post was lost even tho I posted it after. I don't understand...perhaps it is in limbo somewhere...hey what is this "kimosabe" stuff...I thought that you put that stuff on sushi :lol:

Dave Bland


"If it doesn't play in's just pretty wood"

 Post subject: Re: What now kimosabe?
PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:01 pm 
I`m having the same problem as Howard.I`ll bet a lot of people can`t even find the new forum.I was told to type in the web address instead of the bookmarked page,which no longer is functioning.This allowed me to find the new address.For now I`m content to be the PHANTOM

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