Interesting "take" on my situation, but allow me to clarify, all with one point.
I do take deposits before I build. But by September of 2003, I had taken enough deposits that I felt it was out of control, so I stopped accepting orders. I have roughly a year, maybe 16 months to go on those orders, still, today. All placed their deposits before Sept. '03. All will receive their guitars at the 2002/2003 prices. No secrets there. Use the Wayback Machine to get the price list.
When order inquiries kept coming-in after I posted clearly that i wasn't taking new orders, I decided to start a second list, one that doesn't require a deposit. From this list will come the next deposits, if these folks so choose to. If they decline when i will call, I'll move to th next one. I figure this is as fair as I can make it. What else was I to do? Go into hiding? <g>
As for the price page, well, seeing that it's been 49 months since the last time i took a deposit and locked-in a price, what was the point of leaving the prices up? All it did was cause confusion, with folks asking if I wasn't taking orders, why did I have prices?
I'm not doing anything to bring about more mystique to surround myself with. In fact, I attend Kaufman Kamp each year, as a Kamper, taking classes. I don't sell a thing. I also attend IBMA each year, again, with nothing to sell. I didn't even bring a guitar this year; just my mandolin that is MOST undoubtedly NOT for sale. We attend because we're fans. We host a after hours hospitality thing to help bands and performers we call friends. in 4 hours of concerts this year, only one group had one person who plays my guitars. Definitely not textbook advertising.... No mystique here; I come about this business honestly: I'm a fan of Bluegrass and acoustic, first and foremost.
Be the brand does indeed describe me, though. But I promise than I don't spend a moment thinking about what I should be doing to portray my brand. What you, and everyone, sees, is me, through and through.