I know the pickup isn't really worth anything, but it's just the whole quirky
semi-mad scientist persona that I find strangely appealing. For example,
Brock I think this guy may be in your neck of the woods. If you still need
help with your magnetic clamping system I'm sure this is a guy who could
hook up some microwave transformers and a knife switch and set you up
with some 4000v DC electromagnets capable of lifting a small car.
If nothing else, the pickup system in the video is as good an example of
the warbling "stratitis" from the string being in too strong of a field.
And Rick, I knew the idea was old, but I never knew anyone ever tried to
bring that theory of pickup design to market. I guess I'm not too
surprised that it never really took off. I think it could be a great teacher's
demo showing AC induction in a single straight wire early in the
electronics section of a high school physics class, then move on to coil
designs. I think things like this can be great to help keep the interest of a
few more students.