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New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems
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Author:  Loveartist [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Hello, let me first say that I don't consider myself a luthier. However I am interested in the trade, especially after trying to repair my old epiphone les paul. I apologize if this post is inappropriate for the forum because im not a real luthier. But anyway I am having problems with a prs se custom 24 guitar I just bought online new.

When i first started playing it i noticed on the A string when i lift my finger off a note it would buzz slightly on that notes fret. Also it seems when i first pick up the guitar from the stand and start playing it after a few hours break, both the low E and A strings buzz almost on all the frets when the note is pressed down for a few minutes of playing then the buzzing goes away. However the buzzing while lifting my finger off a note on the A string remains. Any idea what it could be causing these issues? Again i aplogize if this post is inappropriate. Thanks,

Author:  profchris [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Diagnosis without seeing, hearing and feeling the instrument is always a guess. However ...

A buzz which only happens when the string is not being fretted, and appears on more than one note on that string, is almost always a nut problem.

So my guess is that the nut slots on E and A are a little too tight. Playing, maybe, stretches the E string enough to make it bottom out and stops the buzzing. Unplayed the string expands a tiny fraction and rises up in the slot. Note: the cause might also be an uneven base to the nut slot, maybe playing just moves the unevenness into the space between string windings. Like I said, guessing here.

A quick check might be to put a scrap of paper in the nut slot under the E and A strings. If the buzzing goes away there is clearly a nut problem (if it stays there might still be a nut problem, so this doesn't rule out the nut).

If it's the nut, the fix is probably to refine the slots. They can't be far out or the E string wouldn't stop buzzing after some playing.

Author:  DanKirkland [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Chris has given you some good advice. I'd also reference this site. ... intro.html

Author:  Loveartist [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Thanks so much for the response! Clear and indepth. Im going to send the guitar back most likely. Any recomendations on guitars that come setup well? Or do most new guitars need adjustments. Budget cap is 1000dollars and i play mostly rock and blues. Is it better to buy local than online? I bought the prs online. Thanks again, Cody

Author:  Loveartist [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Cool ill check out that link :-) ty!

Author:  Alex Kleon [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Loveartist wrote:
Thanks so much for the response! Clear and indepth. Im going to send the guitar back most likely. Any recomendations on guitars that come setup well? Or do most new guitars need adjustments. Budget cap is 1000dollars and i play mostly rock and blues. Is it better to buy local than online? I bought the prs online. Thanks again, Cody

If it is just a tight nut slot, there's no need to return the guitar, Cody. Find a good local guitar repair shop to find and repair the problem. I would first contact the online seller, explain the problem, and find out if they will reimburse the cost of an adjustment, instead of returning the guitar.


Author:  SteveSmith [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Most new guitars are setup at the factory to meet a range of manufacturing tolerances. The result is almost always a guitar that doesn't play nearly as well as it can (in my opinion). I don't play factory guitars anymore (I play my own) but if I ended up buying another one I would plan to level/dress the frets and then do a setup for my preferred strings and playing style just as part of the purchase price.

Author:  Loveartist [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

Cool, good to know that most require a setup to reach thier potential, as well as maybe some fret adjustments. Ill let the seller know. You all have been a great help!

Author:  Hesh [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New prs se custom 24 buzzing problems

It needs a tune-up, 20 minutes in skilled hands and it will play great. Most new guitars these days have never been set-up and many second hand guitars also have never been set-up. A change in climate also will impact neck relief which is one of the most likely causes of your buzzing.

Lastly I deal with folks who just "won..." something off eBay every day. Many of these instruments have had issues covered up to hide them for a quick buck.

Take it to a skilled Luthier, not a Guitar Center.... and you will likely know what you have before you leave and an hour later will have a great guitar.

PS: I have a PRS SE that I simply adore, it's one of the best playing guitars I've ever played and I have played thousands.

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