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Removing Water Stains and Lightening Wood
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Author:  Woodie G [ Tue May 17, 2016 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Removing Water Stains and Lightening Wood

Water stain clean-up is a fairly common task for the repair shop where I am training, as is refinish work, so worth linking to an excellent discussion over on UMGF re: removal of stains from wood caused by leaking Planet Waves HumidPaks, and some pointers to general articles on bleaching and stain removal from unfinished wood.

I tend to get these water stain and old, dead glue clean-up jobs because I can reach into an acoustic body a lot farther than anyone else here can (it's apparently my luthierie super power).

To summarize:

...oxalic acid for water or iron stains, chlorine to remove dye from wood (e.g., think ink stains, lightening an already applied dye, etc.), and hydrogen peroxide/sodium hypochlorite wood bleach to actually lighten wood.

For more on how all this stuff works, go to Jeff Jewitt's (Homestead Finishing) or Michael Dresdner's (formerly of Martin Guitars) stuff on finishing - two of the most knowledgeable guys around on how to finish wood. ... bleach.htm ... ching-wood

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