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New User - touch up finish question on older Yamaha
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Author:  terry dean [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  New User - touch up finish question on older Yamaha

hi all,

I have a couple of older Yamaha guitars I am practicing on touching up cracks and small dings on the body and neck

1 - I put CA (super glue ) to fill in
2 - I scrapped carefully with razor blade and tape on both sides
3 - I used micro mesh to sand down
4 - what is the best way to repair the finish to blend back in???

Any thoughts tricks or products - appreciate the feedback - thanks

Author:  Greg Maxwell [ Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New User - touch up finish question on older Yamaha

I use a power buffer with medium and fine buffing compound to bring back the gloss on touch up repairs. You can also use foam buffing wheels in a power drill, available from Stew Mac. I suggest not going crazy with repairing dings, they are part of the character of an old guitar and its easy to make them look worse.

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