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Old Brown Shoe: Episode II
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Author:  Fret [ Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Old Brown Shoe: Episode II

removed the putty and now I'm using white stainable Filler. I made 4 test sites on a board to test the stain before I stain the fretboard.

Author:  Fret [ Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Brown Shoe: Episode II


I ended up using a Sharpie to darken the Filler then coated the Filler and Sharpie ink with Walnut stain. Though the Filler is said to be stainable but I disagree that it is. I could not darken the white/pinkish colored filler very much at all using only Walnut stain. It just would not change color so I got it darker with the Sharpie which easily colored the Filler very dark. I used the Walnut stain over the Sharpie to get a brownish tint.

I first did this on my test sites on a maple board. Of the four test holes I made with a drill bit the Sharpie/Walnut color was the closest to the dark Rosewood. This is a very close color match.

I used Minwax Filler in a small tube. it dries in 30 mins. In an hour I stained it.

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