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Craziest/the most complex/the most complicated HSH wiring?
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Author:  Atax [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Craziest/the most complex/the most complicated HSH wiring?

Hi guys,
I'm building a new guitar and I was wondering what is the biggest possible amount of combinations at HSH guitar. I'm planning to use these humbuckers: ... ickup-set/
and this single: ... dth-strat/
and maybe this 10-way switch: ... ck_tip.htm
I have seen this video and this guy made 42 combinations with HH setup:

So, I'm just wondering if there is any fan of wiring that could give me an answer or even make some schema? ;)

Author:  Freeman [ Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Craziest/the most complex/the most complicated HSH wirin

High Atax, welcome to OLF. Some years ago I helped my son wire an LP Jr sort of thing with two 'buckers and a piezo ToM bridge. Each of the humbuckers used those little Seymour Duncan rings with the switches built in you you could split coils, reverse phases and do all sorts of wonky things right at the pup. The humbuckers wre combined with a normal three way switch but we did the wiring mod that allows them to be blended all the way to zero without killing both pups. The piezo bridge was intended to give him an "acoustic" so he wouldn't have to bring two guitars to his P&W band. The 'buckers and piezo were brought out with a stereo cable so he could go to an A/B box and/or two amps.

This really wasn't all that many combinations, but I found that when I played it I hated the piezo (so I didn't use it) and being a normal humbucker guy I just set the switches in the standard position and blend.



Last time I saw my son I asked how that guitar had worked out, he said he never was happy with it so he didn't play it. "In fact, Dad, would you like it?"

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