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need help
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Author:  teofilushl [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  need help

my name is Teofilus Hans Laheba

I just want to ask about wood that I use to build an acoustic electric bass guitar..

my bass specification is this:
back and side body is solid mahogany
top body is solid spruce
neck is maple

can you give me some insights about the sound that my bass will produce..
will it be warm or bright? what if I cut the solid mahogany to be as thick as a plywood, will it be brighter or warmer?
please help me...

thank you very much
I can’t wait to hear from you soon..
sorry for my bad English..

Author:  the Padma [ Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: need help

What thickness of ply wood are you talking about?

There are several acoustic bass plans suggest you get on that you like and follow it.

Regarding what it will sound like....The simple truth is ... it is not so much the wood as it is how the luthier builds it. Not only that ... there are different types of spruce and mahogany and all of them work quite well.

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