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New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)
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Author:  helldunkel [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

Been waiting for these pickups for ages, finally they arrived at my front door! - The "Helldunkel's"

So here is my NPD ceremony...

These are handmade in France by a small artisan, and these pickups are the result of a close collaboration between him and me...

I'm going to take some quality pictures and post them later, but for now, enjoy these :)

PS: you can also become the happy winner, simply follow the instructions in this video:


Author:  helldunkel [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

Ok here are some high quality pictures which I was able to take today, still not 100% satisfied so I will have another go tomorrow after work, enjoy :)


For fun, a "helldunkel" picture :D


Author:  theguitarwhisperer [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

Cool looking pickups.
Why do you need such a bada$$ knife to open the package, though?

Author:  StevenWheeler [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

theguitarwhisperer wrote:
Why do you need such a bada$$ knife to open the package, though?

Some folks just don't understand. The better the contents of the package, the more wicked of a knife used to open it. I might have pulled out my SOG Jungle Primative for those pickups.

Nice looking package there Patrick I hope they sound as good as they look. What drove the decision to try a new supplier for these pickups? Is the sound a complete departure from what Kent Armstrong builds for you?


Author:  alan stassforth [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

Those look really cool.
A few questions though..
What's the resistance?
Are they handwound?
Coil splitable?
Also, how much do they cost?

Author:  theguitarwhisperer [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

StevenWheeler wrote:
theguitarwhisperer wrote:
Why do you need such a bada$$ knife to open the package, though?

Some folks just don't understand. The better the contents of the package, the more wicked of a knife used to open it. I might have pulled out my SOG Jungle Primative for those pickups.


Actually, that makes perfect sense!

Author:  WindyCityBluesBox [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

You have no idea what kind of blade I needed to open my last package from allparts

Author:  helldunkel [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

alan stassforth wrote:
What's the resistance?

Does not really mean or indicate anything but here are the indications:

Calibrated set

Bridge (ceramic magnets) = 15.7 D.C. resistance
Neck (ceramic magnets) = 8.76 D.C. resistance

alan stassforth wrote:
Are they handwound?

All pickups are handwound the exception would be the guys who use CNC to wound their pickups...

Kent Armstrong wrote:
All coils with fine gauge wire are scatter wound as it can not lay layers upon layers easily, so yes mine are scatter wound and so are all fine wire coils.

IT IS JUST A SELLING hype ! It means nothing, it is just crap talk !


alan stassforth wrote:
Coil splitable?

Of course, simply order a 4 conductor version, personally I only like full humbucker mode in my guitars...

alan stassforth wrote:
Also, how much do they cost?

one pickup costs 115euro :)

StevenWheeler wrote:

Nice looking package there Patrick I hope they sound as good as they look. What drove the decision to try a new supplier for these pickups? Is the sound a complete departure from what Kent Armstrong builds for you?


Notice how I'm the only guitar builder in the world who can not offer any alternatives? Everybody else can offer various pickups brands, but not Hufschmid! :mrgreen:

And if I do offer an alternative, all of a sudden people think that the Armstrongs pickups are less good and that I've changed my mind... laughing6-hehe

However Kent does not build distressed looking pickups which is something I've always wanted to offer to my customers, so I had to find an artisan (because I only work with artisans - Sp Custom Pickups is effectively a one man operation (exactly what I was looking for), namely Jérémy Begoin), simple as that... ;)

I dont place "what not" inside my guitars, believe me this is the second brand I am offering in 15 years of guitar building, there is a good reason for that, his work simply kick's ass! [clap]

WindyCityBluesBox wrote:
You have no idea what kind of blade I needed to open my last package from allparts

an all parts knife? laughing6-hehe

Author:  helldunkel [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Pickup Day (SP Custom Pickups content)

Ok here is my final attempt to try capturing the looks of the distressed tops...

This was tough but I tried my best :)


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