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TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!
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Author:  JohnnyMagic [ Tue May 17, 2011 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!


Just got this one mocked up!
Wired the top to check before gluing the halves up.
Wanted to see IF I need a sounpost or toneblock to reduce feedback.

Very happy with the GFS Classic alnico 2's. Have a set of Stewmac Parsons I was going to try before glue-up, but I'm just going to save those for the next build.

This one's a KEEPER! Blown away with the tone and vibe from this deep build.

Still need to crank more volume before deciding if the feedback is too much.

Thanks for looking.


Author:  Chris Pile [ Tue May 17, 2011 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!

How thin is the carbon fiber on your guitars?
Did you make the molds?
Did you handlay the cloth?
Pre-preg, or add your own resin?
Are you using heat and vacuum to cure, or autoclaving?
Tell me all about it!

Author:  JohnnyMagic [ Tue May 17, 2011 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!

Not sure why the same pic posted twice?

Used a Warmoth neck on this one, again, gun-shy on going straght to carbon molds. Actually like the profile on the Mighty-might better.

On to full carbon molds!

One of those?


Author:  JohnnyMagic [ Tue May 17, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!

Chris Pile wrote:
How thin is the carbon fiber on your guitars?
Did you make the molds?
Did you handlay the cloth?
Pre-preg, or add your own resin?
Are you using heat and vacuum to cure, or autoclaving?
Tell me all about it!


.039 or 3 layers of 6K twill weave.
Yes I make the molds. ( this was a quicky with same single mold used for top and bottom with bolt-on necks).

Vacuum bagged w/ eboxy resin. Pre-pregs need to be refridgerated and don't like to conform to complex shapes unless you have VERY deep pockets.

This has been an experiment to see if I can build a high quality (soundwise) intrument with carbon.
Could not be happier bliss with the results so far.

Planned to build a third with mahogony neck/toneblock, but decided to go straight to full neck/body, seperate top, molds. Then try some more combinations.


Author:  Chris Pile [ Tue May 17, 2011 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: TURBO JAZZ BLASTER carbonfibre guitar warning!

Very cool stuff.
Plan to make any necks?

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