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wiring help -- blend pot issues
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Author:  D Tester [ Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  wiring help -- blend pot issues

I have decided to set up my bass now that all the routing completed -- I'll put up some pics later today however it still needs the final sanding and finish. I decided with filing still needed on the bridge and nut I would rather scratch it now than after it's finished. Plus if I plug it up and vibrate the windows in the house it should provide the motavation to get my butt in gear -- TN weather is also getting better for finishing. Enough of that stuff

So I wired it all up, J/P pup combo with master volume, Blend pot and tone. the best diagram i found on the web is this: ... -4137.html
My stuff is wired exactly like this -- all the wiring diagrams I have found for blend pots are the same -- I got done with it and I have no output in the center detent spot -- roll it one way or the other and the signal comes back -- It seems as if the pot is sending it to ground when in the center-- I hope I just did something screwy and I don't have a bad pot -- If any could help that would be great


Author:  D Tester [ Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiring help -- blend pot issues

I can take a pic but it might be hard to follow the wires-- I don't know -- I assure you however it is exactly like the diagram I linked to -- I compared this to my blend pot in my Schecter bass -- it is the same -- I am thinking of borrowing that pot to see if this one is faulty -- The way it works now is a a volume pot for each pickup -- the middle is off and which ever way you turn it the corresponding pup is turned up. seems like it is working correctly just without the blend -- from what I am looking at and reading in my books all should be ok -- I'll work on the pics

Author:  D Tester [ Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: wiring help -- blend pot issues

ok I got it -- blend pot can't go to ground -- only cross the lugs -- diag shows crossed lugs tied into ground -- I cut the wire going to the ground leg and all is good now duh bliss

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