Official Luthiers Forum!

Introductions Blue Belly Guitars!
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Author:  BlueBellyGuitars [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Introductions Blue Belly Guitars!

Hello, My Name is Hyde Baker. I'm an archtop builder. [uncle] After a few year Hiatus I'm back at it again. My focus is the high end Rock-n-Roll Archtop guitar, However, as with any builder, we're always branching out to meet what the customer wants in a guitar... I joined the forum in the hopes that I can help those just starting out & also pick up tips & ideas to continue to improve my own craft. My website I have stripped the site down to basics for the time being as we a completely rebuild it. We should have the full blown version up in the next month or so. So with that, Hello everyone!

Author:  alan stassforth [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions Blue Belly Guitars!

Welcome, Hyde!
How is L.A. doing?
I moved out about 14 years ago,
and miss some things about it,
and some things I don't miss at all!
What part of town?
I lived in Hancock Park, Hollywood Hills, Silverlake, and finally Mt. Washington.

Author:  BlueBellyGuitars [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions Blue Belly Guitars!

Just up Figeuroa from Mt Washington, Highland Park. We're formulating a plan to do the same. Only thing that I will miss is the mexican food!!!

Author:  alan stassforth [ Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Introductions Blue Belly Guitars!

That's one of the things I miss!!!!!

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