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fret slot accuracy
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Author:  michael wise [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  fret slot accuracy

i may regret asking this however; I am building my first electric and im having a issue with cutting my fret slots. i created a template and cut my slots and I think something got shifted because when I check my widths (both between frets and from the nut) I noticed I have a few slots that are off; the largest descrepency I have is 1.5mm off of my target so 0.060", i have a few other frets that off by less. will I have major problems with intonation with this? what is the tolerance for fretting? i just need to know if I should be filling in my slots and trying again or will this be OK.

thanks guys

Author:  Ti-Roux [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fret slot accuracy


1.5mm is too much.

If the errors is just for one fret (if it's not all your fretboard that is off), then just remove the fret, fill the slot, and reslot.

Good Luck!

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