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Router bit for necks
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Author:  Buenaventura Durruti [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Router bit for necks

I was watching this Jimmy FosterĀ“s video on Youtube and saw he was using a router bit for the neck.
Has somebody any idea where I can get one of theese?


Author:  Matthew Bryan [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Router bit for necks

I have used a 1" roundover bit to make a fender style neck on a regular router table (no peghead angle). I did not thin the neck first though and the neck is a little too chunky for me. I should have taken the thickness of the neck down a little before I profiled it. That being said I am going to try a 'thumbnail' router bit next. This has a shallwoer height profile (I think)....I need to get it and measure it first to be sure. Anyway this bit will allow me to not have to do a seperate operation....that is thickness the neck first then profile it. I think this bit will do both for me. The neck has its fretboard on it and it is fretted before I do this operation. You still need to do some hand shapeing at the head and heal transitions though. I have seen people get custom carbide bits for custom profiles used on router bits as well but that is very expensive.

Author:  peters instruments [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Router bit for necks

i got a thumbnail bit from grizzly, i does a pretty good job of removing the bulk of the wood for final profiling

Author:  Custom Technology [ Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Router bit for necks

a 1" will give you a baseball bat for a neck, try a 3/4, its perfect, you can go thin can get even thinner if you shape with the template still on the neck so it gives you more height to lower the bit into the neck before the bearing runs off the fingerboard. youll have to bandsaw and rasp off the strip left in the middle and final shape that way. if you go the thumbnail bit, it will leave a very flat profile on the back of the neck in the middle and you wont have any extra to remove after since the blade will overlap what youre cutting from each side... best with the 3/4 roundover though......or you can make a custom profile and get a custom bit made for a shaper, that will probably run you 300 bucks though, as opposed to 40 or 50 for the roundover........

Author:  jamesnv [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Router bit for necks

a year or two ago i saw a tutorial on the acoustic section on neck construction that used a 1 1/8" router bit in a shaper or router table, really great jig setup the guy had, i have made a few necks this way ( although i need to refine my jigs )and they are awsome, check out the tutorial section, id bet theres a few post there that will help you out, i bought my 1 1/8" bit at the local wood working shop, james

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