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Please ID this older pickup/transducer for acoustic.
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Author:  JohnAbercrombie [ Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Please ID this older pickup/transducer for acoustic.

This is just to satisfy my curiosity, really- I don't think I want to re-use this transducer which I removed from the bridge of a 'project guitar'. (It was set in a hole drilled through the bridge and a brace with a clever combination of rubber cement and then epoxy on top for insurance- I don't think it was a pro job!)

Then again, it may be the priceless key to the 'vintage sound' somebody is looking for. Who knows?


Author:  Jim Watts [ Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please ID this older pickup/transducer for acoustic.

Just a guess here - Barcus Berry hot dot. I believe these were commonly installed in bridges in the 70's and covered over by a pearl dot.

Author:  Kim [ Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Please ID this older pickup/transducer for acoustic.

I pulled one of them out of a 1970's Maton, same deal, hole drilled into the BRW bridge on the treble side and the little brass PU pushed into the hole. I tested it and it worked with an all be it very weak but brash trebley sound. My guess is they were one of the first generation 'fit it yourself' after market music store pickups.



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