I have an ibanez rg570 that needs new trem anchors. They're stretched out & oblong, as well as very loose which ive heard is common with the older models with these basswood bodies.
Some people have reported good results with wood epoxy, but doweling and drilling new holes seems like a better long term solution to me. Plus I can use a harder wood than the existing basswood which will hopefully stop this from happening again.
Will the type of wood matter or can I use any handwood like mahogany, maple, ash etc? Would I increase sustain by any useful amount using a denser and/or larger piece of wood? Like instead of a dowel, routing out some space and glueing in a block?
It doesnt really seem like it'd matter since its a pretty small amount of wood compared to the rest of the body, but it is what attaches the trem (a gotoh FR) so I thought i'd ask.