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What to do after finishing
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Author:  000lover [ Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  What to do after finishing

Is there a good tutorial (maybe video!) that explains the process of 'rubbing out' the finish? I am interested in rubbing it down to satin but any tutorial will do.


Author:  Rod True [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What to do after finishing

Go to your public library and see if they have a copy of Bob Flexner's Understanding wood finishing, or Jeff Jewitt's Complete illustrated guide to finishing.

Both of these books have a great chapter on rubbing out a finish.

You can also get them off Amazon if you wish to purchase them.

As for DVD on finishing, check out Robbie O'Brien DVD or check out Stew Mac's collection of DVD's and books.

Author:  bugeyed [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What to do after finishing

Here is a response from George Lowden on the subject of his finishes. The Lowden satin finish is one of the nicest that I have seen BTW.

"We use a polyurethane material ( although from 1985 to 2003 we used an
acid catalyzed lacquer ) The system of working to achieve our satin
finish involves spraying several coats of lacquer and rubbing down
very thin in between coats. Then the final coat is rubbed with #1000
paper used wet in parallel lines and then steel wooled, also in
parallel lines. Other factory satin finishes are simply sprayed on and
left as is "off the gun" as we say.

BTW, mineral spirit and naptha will not damage the finish unless left
there for some considrable time to evaporate - rather than rubbed off
with a soft cloth used parallel to the grain if possible

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