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Preferred bit for cutting fret slots?
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Author:  James Orr [ Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Preferred bit for cutting fret slots?

Hi everyone

We have a CNC machine in the community workshop I belong to. CNC is well beyond me, but I've read a few threads here for feed rates and all that. The CNC guys in the shop are going to take my DXF file and do what they think needs to be done.

My question is simple. Do you have a preferred bit for cutting fret slots. I'm imagining the width needs to be the typical .023", but I was a bit overwhelmed by all the option on the Precise Bits website.

Author:  Durero [ Thu Aug 11, 2016 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preferred bit for cutting fret slots?

I'd choose a width which matches the width of your fret tang, or the width of your favourite fret saw.

Just make sure you get a bunch of them. They break very easily, especially when you're working out the feeds & speeds & cut depths.

Author:  Allen McFarlen [ Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preferred bit for cutting fret slots?

I bought mine from and eBay seller called DrillMan1. He has a store that has all kinds of bits. Much less expensive than precise bits. Mine are 0.23" and got them in a pack of 10.

They look frightfully fragile, but I've cut at least 2 dozen fret boards still using the same bit.

Author:  BMac [ Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Preferred bit for cutting fret slots?

I have used .023" and .025" from precise bits. They were the UltraBit Fret Cutters, with the .023" having .09" depth of cut and the .025" having a .1" depth of cut. Not knowing what the run out situation is with your spindle, buy a few in case of breakage. Get them with the depth ring, so if they do break you won't have to reset Z after replacing the bit.

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