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Festool ROS - Questions....
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Author:  Brad Goodman [ Wed May 17, 2006 12:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Hi Hesh,
I have two festool sanders for years now and I love them.

1)You can use any vacuum-I have the Fein,which like the Festool has the power actuated switch,so when youn turn on the tool the vacuum automatically starts and stops when you turn it off
You just need to use the Festool hose because it has the special end that attaches to ALL their tools-I have the anti-static festool hose.

2)As far as I know all Festool tools(except screw guns) are vac ready.

3)I don't find the hose inhibiting-like everything else about festool products their hoses have special swivel ends to help them move freely.
The other great thing about the end attachment is that they don't fall off in use as I have had happen with other brands of sanders. It is hard to push the end onto the tool-but I guess that 's why it won't come off when you don't want it to.

Author:  mikev [ Wed May 17, 2006 12:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I have the 5" and it does hook to a vac. Mine is hooked to a fein vac. not variable speed. I think it is easier to change from ros to rotex then the 6" but thats a minor point. If your intested in one with about 1 hr of use PM me.

Author:  peterm [ Wed May 17, 2006 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

That sounds pretty interesting.... Where can I find out more about it?

Author:  Andy Zimmerman [ Wed May 17, 2006 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I already have a jet dust collector with a big hose that connects to my
bandsaw/thickness sander/etc etc.
Can I use it with the festool ROS???
Do you need different size hoses????

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