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PostPosted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:09 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:20 am
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First name: Bob
Last Name: Johnson
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Sound Salon is a great idea, which leads to the cosmic (if soft and hardware agree).

Uncle Bob's Guitar Evaluation

If tech possible now, and if not, is there not enough brain power to make this work.

Rough Senario:
Stringing up my new 12 string Platypus sp. (sorry platties), and I wish to have expert eyes and ears give an evaluation of the sound. Easy
Punch up Uncle Bob's give relevent info that is needed (relevent info determined by those who will make evaluation) something like woods used, thickness of same, body style, dimensions and type of bracing including wood spec., accurate dimensions, etc. Then there is a series of instructions from evaluator, such as barr a first fret and strum, same a eight, pluck X, snazzle the wazzle.
Deposit x amount of quarters and receive evaluation (video and sound performing the above might be useful to evaluater.
Based on what evaluator hears, gives opinions (of couse with all necessary caveats, warnings, disclosures)

Viola, opinions; too much base, braced to heavy, etc. etc.

This might take some add'l equip.-better mic + who knows what to ensure what evaluator (SUPER EAR) hears is as full and accurate as possible given the system used.

My brain tells me this is do-able. WARNING- My brain, for your health and safety, is very pissy to those who argue

The brains are here.
Don't tell me why it can't be done, but how to accomplish the task.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:23 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:20 am
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First name: Bob
Last Name: Johnson
City: Denver
State: CO.
Zip/Postal Code: 80224
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Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
Should the question be THINK SMALLER, OR QUIT THINKING

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:22 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:20 am
Posts: 1437
First name: Bob
Last Name: Johnson
City: Denver
State: CO.
Zip/Postal Code: 80224
Country: USA
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
i WOULD NOT RUN IT OR BE INVOLVED. Olf would run and profit.
I hope you didn't think I would benefit in any way. Hope I didnn't give that impression.

Could someone at least tell me I'm crazy and get stuffed.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 4:37 am 
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Bob, no offence but I don't know what the H E double hockey sticks your talking about

But since I'm a self proclaimed idiot that's to be expected. Care to spell this out a little more simply please?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:03 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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Bob, you didn't go to church today did you?   

Bob, I think I know where you are coming from with UNCLE BOB's Guitar Evaluator.

This may be in relation to the thread on Guitar Critique, eh?

If so, I get it. But I just don't think a whiz-bang piece of software will cut it in judging the guitar. Where's the human element?

Sorry if I deflated your baloon, but I do think there is a way to evaluate them. Seasoned hands and ears.

A few OLFers once sent their finished guitars on a round-robin tour of luthiers for a Critique. They said the feedback was incredible and they learned a lot.

That is simple to set up, just finish a guitar and post a thread. I'd gladly pay the cost of postage of a fellow OLFer's new guitar, just to get to see and play it. Not just any OLFer, but one I like their work, so critique Number Uno is done in the sign up alone.

Sorry if I miss-interpreted your post. I liked your idea, just haven't the background to pull off what you've suggested. Now if you were talking rebuilding a VW engine or wiring your shop or building a guitar the way I do it maybe I could help. Just no software engineer here....   


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:52 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:10 pm
Posts: 778
Location: Madison, WI
The single biggest hurdle in remote evaluation based on tone and sound is the recording of the guitar. There are unlimited ways to mic the guitar up, almost an unlimited number of ways to put it to tape or hard disk, then couple that with the fact that someone is probably going to listen to it on 1.5" speakers on the computer....
THEN you can finally get to the subjective part that matters, only now the sound has been through the ringer and squeezed into and out of a tiny set of desktop speakers. This does not make for an accurate or fair evaluation.
I think I know what you mean, and its a good idea in theory, but getting actual ears to listen to it in person is probably the only way to get this accomplished.


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