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Cheapo Side Dots
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Author:  David Collins [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have a Grammer in that I'm refinishing the neck on (bad headstock break,
+bad previous overspray), and was finish sanding it this evening. After
having a miserable time keeping the binding clean I take a look at the side
fret markers, and find that Grammer apparently used pencil leads. Big, fat,
black pencil leads. I don't know if they just had a bunch of extra leads laying
around or what, but it sure seems like a senseless pain to me.

I've seen a lot of cheap or amusing things used by manufacturers and this is
certainly not the worst, but man what a stupid thing to use. Another of those
"what were they thinking" moments.

Author:  JJ Donohue [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

David...What may have once been considered to be "High-Tech Graphite" has now been deemed to have been a "Grammatical Error"!!!

Author:  Bruce Dickey [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've used thick black bristle from a hairbrush.

One day playing my Taylor, I determined their dots were simply aluminum welding rod, 1/16th inch. Really nice under finish.

What do you use David?

Author:  David Collins [ Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:29 am ]
Post subject: 

[QUOTE=Bruce Dickey]What do you use David?[/QUOTE]

Plastic, metal, used toothpicks, toenail clippings - anything that will not
cause the sandpaper or scraper blade to "draw" along the adjacent white
binding when finish sanding. I moved on to other projects yesterday, but I
think I'm going to have to carefully detail scrape around each dot without
touching it in order to keep the binding clean. Or maybe I'll try an eraser.

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