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Redwood dyring time?
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Author:  Ziegenfuss [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:18 am ]
Post subject: 



I just bought some curly redwood from Ebay.  I was suprised with how nice of a piece it is.  It has supposedly only been cut for 5 months, but is already at a 22% moisture content (I checked its resistance and used a reference chart)...

As I have never worked with wet softwoods before, how long should I expect with a air dry process - and would this air dry method be the same as a standard hardwood.


Thanks so much,


Author:  KenH [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

hehe I bought some of it too

It is beautiful stuff and was dirt cheap too! I dont have any plans to use it for a number of months, so it will stay stickered in my humidity controlled shop until I am ready to use it.

If I were to advise you, it would be to sticker the wood for at least 2  months before using it. If it is in an air conditioned room, it will dry out faster, but that makes it even more important to have it sitckered and weighted down on a flat surface.


Author:  Ziegenfuss [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Great - I was probably bidding against you - if you see fusehead - from Ziegenfuss - it is me...we can take it easy on each other next time...


Thanks so much,


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