The Finewoodworking review was for heavy duty 14" saws and actually rates the Grizzly 0457 "top value" at $875 and the Laguna "best overall". The Rikon rated pretty low with slow re-saw times and difficult guide adjustments and blade changes. They only issue they had with the Jet JWBS-14DX was that it bogged down with heavy re-sawing.
I've found Taunton/FWW to be pretty fair in their reviews. They don't seem to hesitate to pan an advertiser.
I live 5 minutes from a Grizzly distribution center and am also in the market for a new bandsaw. I'll probably get over there and kick the tires on that one in the next week or so. I've never been a big Grizzly fan but their top of the line series seem to be pretty good machines lately.
I have a Jet 8" jointer, 15" planer and the disc/belt sander (same one David hates?) and have nothing bad to say on any of them. It does seem that, unless you go to Powermatic, most middle of the road brands are inconsistent.