1/4" oversize?!? May as well not use a case...
Most of the protection of a good case comes from a tight fit. Whe n dropped, the case dissipates the impacts' energy, protecting the guitar from any direct energy; if the guitar can move inside the case, there is a second impact, and that is the guitar impacting the interior of the case. Therefor, the guitar still must dissipate direct energy on its own. Same as wearing a loose seatbelt or wearing a I'll fitting helmet won't do a dang thing in a big wreck.
If I had a mechanical scale nearby, I'd measure how many pounds of force it takes to set my guitars in their Calton cases, but it's over ten pounds, I would bet. A hand gently pushes at the tail block, while the other holds the neck, up close to the body joint. Once in there, I can carry them around with the lid open and nothing budges. I wouldn't fly with any looser of a fit...
I assume that by the time y'all are spending enough for a Ameritage case, you are seeking better protection or a better fit than you would get from a double-arched, 5 ply TKL that costs 1/4 as much, right? Now, if you order it for a nice loose fit, you've tossed all that away, and all you have is a pretty, and expensive, case that offers little real-world protection.