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Martin 0 and OO
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Author:  runamuck [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Martin 0 and OO

Can anyone tell me the dimensions of Martin 0 and 00 sides - width and length?

Thank you.


Author:  bluescreek [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Martin 0 and OO

12 or 14 fret ?

Author:  runamuck [ Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Martin 0 and OO

bluescreek wrote:
12 or 14 fret ?

Assuming they're close, either. Just an approximate measurement is fine.

Author:  Clay S. [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Martin 0 and OO

From the Longworth Martin book:
Martin O 12 fret - depth of body upper part 3 3/8 inches, depth of body lower part 4 3/16th inches
Martin OO 12 fret - depth of body upper part 3 1/4 inches, depth of body lower part 4 1/16th inches

Martin O 14 fret - depth of body upper part 3 13/32 inches, depth of body lower part 4 1/4th inches
Martin OO 14 fret - depth of body upper part 3 11/32 inches, depth of body lower part4 1/8th inches

The sides are tapered, but the waist area creates a "hump", so unless I have a side template I cut them to the largest width, bend them, mark and trim them using the radius dish. I build mostly 12 fret instruments and make the sides slightly over length at 32 inches. If I am laminating sides I will make them 36 inches. 30 inches is the finished length of the sides for the OO - 12 fret guitars I build. If you use a wide tail wedge and a Gibson style heel you might be able to "cheat" that a little, but I would in most cases just build a smaller instrument.

Author:  Woodie G [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Martin 0 and OO

These are from notes taken during measurement of vintage instruments, so measure your prototype if possible to confirm:

Bare minimum for side blanks:

14 fret/12 fret 00: 4-1/4 x 30-1/4 and 4-3/16 x 29-3/8
14 fret/12 fret 0: 4-1/4 x 27-1/2 and 4-5/16 x 28-3/8

This assumes no allowance for perfecting the neck and tail block area if bending on a pipe, and minimum depth is very close to the maximum side depth including binding. I've seen narrower classical sets used for these shapes, but some skill is needed with the linings as they need to follow the plate profile rather than the actual top or bottom edge.

Author:  runamuck [ Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Martin 0 and OO

Thanks Woodie and everyone.

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