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Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?
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Author:  Hesh [ Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?

I'm in touch with Cathy Ernie's wife and she has asked me if the OLF might be helpful in selling Ernie's wood and Lutherie stuff and I told her that the OLF was always helpful with this kind of thing.

So she will need someone in her area, Guthrie OK to go though his stuff, take inventory and then list and and sell it here in the classified. Of course I'm not even close to that part of the country or I would be lending a hand.

Anyone wanna help please?


Author:  Hesh [ Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?

Chris Pyle has stepped up and offered his phone number to Cathy Ernie's wife to help her (and Ernie) and I wanted to thank Chris for this very much. Chris also has a couple other area OLFers who he can vector in too so Cathy may be all set.

If you are in that area and have interest in helping too please maybe let Chris know?

Chris Cathy has your number now and she will call when she can her hands are full right now and they are going to bury Ernie in New Jersey. I would have liked to go to this one and say good bye to our friend.

Author:  Pmaj7 [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?

I've been planning to label and price my stuff for years, better get a round tuit to save my people some time and $, just in case! Probably something digital with pictures to be easy to modify...


Author:  Hesh [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?

Pmaj7 wrote:
I've been planning to label and price my stuff for years, better get a round tuit to save my people some time and $, just in case! Probably something digital with pictures to be easy to modify...


I've been prepared for my return to star dust and have Dave Collins as my beneficiary for all my Lutherie tools, all my guitars and amps and my stake in the business so he is free and clear and hopefully better off than before I met him.

He was the natural choice he knows what the stuff is and what it's good for. He's going to get a very nice guitar collection too and some great vintage tube amps.

But good idea Pat we all should give some thought to what happens when we are gone and someone had to deal with our Lutherie stuff.

Author:  jfmckenna [ Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Any OLFers In Oklahoma To Help WIth Ernie's Stuff?

Yes it is something to think about sadly but it will be all of us eventually. So far what I do is write the price of the wood I purchased it for and where right on the lumber itself and then have a binder of all the reciepts. That way though my wife will at least not sell it for less than what I purchased it for. It's been many many years and I have collected a lot so I really do need a database or spreadsheet. I cannot even imagine what a professional would have in stock.

Best to Ernie's family and good on y'all helping out.

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