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Table Saw/Workbench in a very small shop
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Author:  ballbanjos [ Wed Jan 12, 2022 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Table Saw/Workbench in a very small shop

My shop is really small, but I still have a few relics of my cabinet/furniture making days that I'm not willing to give up. My old Unisaw is one of those. I don't use a table saw really often in instrument making, but when I do it's a really important tool. But, it takes up a lot of space.

Mine has become one of my main workbenches when I'm not sawing with it. I have a router table extension on the saw that comes in handy and it has a T track slot in it that I use to hold down one of the Rockler T track tables. I put dang near everything on this T track table. It's my pearl cutting bench, my platform for mounting a disc sander and other tools like that, my binding routing table (as shown in the picture). Great all purpose table. Plus, I can undo two T track hold downs, and quickly regain a table saw and a router table.


Author:  Durero [ Thu Jan 13, 2022 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Table Saw/Workbench in a very small shop

Really like your setup!

Very cool magnifying lamp too. Is that a vintage thing? I really love my magnifying lamps!

Author:  ballbanjos [ Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Table Saw/Workbench in a very small shop

Yep, its an old lamp but with a new LED circle light in it. I use it when I'm cutting inlays mostly.


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