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Every now and again...
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Author:  Mike OMelia [ Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Every now and again...

You go hunting through threads and links and get schooled. Recent finish posts by Brian Howard got me back to his site. As I was reading, he made a comment about not using solvents (mineral spirits etc) to clean a level sanded finish. Solvent will push dust into pores and becomes almost impossible to remove. I have run into this several times. did not understand the cause.

Thank you Brian! I used compressed air as u suggested to clean, and it worked great.


Author:  Mark Mc [ Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Every now and again...

Right - that makes perfect sense. It is probably one of the reasons that my finishes are often less than I hoped. I will give that a try. And it is great that you give a sincere thank you to the source of knowledge and experience.

Author:  bcombs510 [ Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Every now and again...

I spent a few days in Brian’s shop about a year ago. He’s a great dude and I learned so much about all aspects of the finishing process.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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