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Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?
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Author:  klooker [ Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

My Mohawk vinyl sealer is at least 5 years old.

I poured some into a jar to see if anything looked weird.

There are a couple small solid chunks of stuff like you can see at the bottom but they'll strain out. Everything is evenly mixed but is it usually this milky?

Kevin Looker

Author:  Mike_P [ Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

I've had it happen before... the solids settled to the bottom and hardened to a state where they couldn't be mixed up again

Author:  Pegasusguitars [ Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

I think it does go bad. I use Sherwin Williams lacquer and sealer. I recently had an experience where I used a coat of about 2 year old vinyl sealer ( a gallon goes a long way and it's hard to use up ). Vinyl sealer lacks clarity to begin with, but in this case after the topcoats were applied I think the sealer had a dulling effect on the whole finish. Finishes are enough humbug that I don't think it's a good idea to use a questionable chemical that may or may not cause further problems. Unfortunately the lacquer topcoats that I get are only available in 5 gallon cans from SW, and I've had problems using that up before it goes bad too. Storing it into smaller containers with less air inside helps a bit. I had some older Cardinal lacquer go a pretty purple color in the gallon can. That was weird!

Author:  bluescreek [ Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

yes it does spoil

Author:  Clay S. [ Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

I "self seal" with the same lacquer I top coat with. It takes a few more coats, but I think the final finish has more clarity. I pore fill with epoxy and haven't seen any adhesion issues with the mohawk lacquer I am using. If I were spraying an oil based stain on the wood before top coating a vinyl sealer in between might be a plus. For what I'm doing I don't need the barrier coat, quick build, and sandability that vinyl sealers provide (and I certainly don't need the "dulling" effect they have on the finish).

Author:  klooker [ Mon Jan 20, 2020 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Vinyl Sealer Go Bad?

I let it settle out & this is what it looks like.

Then I called my local Woodcraft and got lucky. They had one quart on clearance which I got for $9.00

Apparently they're not carrying quarts anymore so if they have any, they're 50% off. It looks like they're also getting all of the Solar Lux dyes in the Behlen labeled bottles off the shelf and replacing them with Mohawk labeled bottles - exact same stuff, 50% off.

Thanks for the replies.

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