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Would whomever I sold the Doyle Dykes tab book to please...
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Author:  Lpresnall [ Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Would whomever I sold the Doyle Dykes tab book to please...

Hi guys and girls,

Late last year I completed the final sell-off of my shop thanks to all of the fine folks on the OLF. As part of the sale, my books went as well. I find myself in need of a tab from the, “Dykesology” book by, well, Doyle Dykes. I can’t find the buyer in my PM’s and wonder if I can get an email or post here (or both) from the guy (or girl) who purchased it? Specifically, I’m needing the, “Amazing Grace” tab and wondering if I can get an email or screen email is:



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