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Guitar Forms and Fixtures classes at MASW School
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Author:  JRessler [ Tue May 07, 2019 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Guitar Forms and Fixtures classes at MASW School

I've been teaching guitar building classes at Marc Adams School of Woodworking near Indianapolis for 13 years now

This year we are repeating classes on making forms, fixtures, bending jigs, etc. There are some openings this year, which usually doesn't happen

Here are the classes - All weekend classes

July 13-14 - Methods I (Bending machine, bending form, building form, radius sanding dishes, Spanish tourniquet)
July 20-21 - Methods II - Neck making jigs
Sept 14-15 - Advanced Methods - Jigs for making fingerboards and bridges

If interested go to

PM me if you need more info

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