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So you can cut African Blackwood with a laser...
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Author:  Tai Fu [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  So you can cut African Blackwood with a laser...

I just tried, and it works. But it takes a LOT of power, much more power than required to cut plexiglas. I did 2 passes and it barely cut through (meaning I need one more pass to go all the way)


I may consider doing this more often though I don't know if I should use a more powerful tube once I kill this one from overuse...

I tried it with the 40 watt K40 laser in the past and it would not even scorch the wood.

Author:  Colin North [ Thu Apr 04, 2019 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So you can cut African Blackwood with a laser...

Good to know Tai.
Making medallions like that you maybe should think about changing your signature.
Yes, I know, it's very "rock'n roll", but it makes me wince every darn time I see it.

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