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martin simple dovetail neck reset
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Author:  roby [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  martin simple dovetail neck reset

Has anyone done a reset on a martin simple dovetail? I have a 2014 000 15m that looks like it could be in need of one.Any info would be helpfull.Thanks Roby.

Author:  dpetrzelka [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset


I have not yet reset one of these simple dovetail joints. I've only read about and hypothesized on the topic, so take anything I say with more than a grain of salt.

This topic as the UMGF has some good photos and thoughts on the potential implications of a simple dovetail neck reset. It has more do with with the fact that the CNC machine cuts a recess into the body as it aligns the neck. Given the Martin heel shape a halo is likely with any removal of wood at the heel of the neckā€”it will not just be an issue of faded/bright finish showing, but potentially a rabbited/recessed area in the body.



Author:  jfmckenna [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

Is that actually glued in place or just rely on the bolt? The idea of bolting a dovetail makes absolutely no sense. At least in my understanding about how a locking dovetail works.

Author:  dpetrzelka [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

As I understand it, the simple dovetail is glued and a snug fit.

The threaded insert in the neck is used in finishing the neck and is not a key piece of the mechanical fit to the body.

Author:  B. Howard [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

jfmckenna wrote:
Is that actually glued in place or just rely on the bolt? The idea of bolting a dovetail makes absolutely no sense. At least in my understanding about how a locking dovetail works.

Yea, that actually pulls the cheeks apart and makes the joint sloppier....

Author:  B. Howard [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

dpetrzelka wrote:
As I understand it, the simple dovetail is glued and a snug fit.

The threaded inset in the neck is used in finishing the neck and is not a key piece of the mechanical fit to the body.

Ahhh..... yes they do that on the traditional necks too.

Author:  jfmckenna [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

Ok that makes sense and I would expect after all these years Martin would get that. I see now that the hole in the head block doens't go all the way through. Well, I've never done on on such a guitar but my guess is you would more or less follow the same procedure. Like the guy said on the UMGF you probably will be left with seeing an unsightly line along the neck to body joint but what can ya do except try to color match and fill it. Otherwise it looks like a dovetail joint except that it is straight not tapered.

Author:  dpetrzelka [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

My concern is that a single taper dovetail leaves little margin for creeping up on a tight fit when doing a reset.

With the standard compound dovetail you can chalk the joint, and delicately pair or sand the high spots and the dovetail starts slipping together further/tighter until you drive it home with the final push. With vertical sides that fit seems like it would almost have to be CNC cut to very, very tight margins.

Author:  bluescreek [ Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin simple dovetail neck reset

the insert is used on the production floor in the finish booth. I am a martin repair center. Let me say that the reset is just like a dovetail
shim to fit and glue in. Tite bond is the glue that is used.

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