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Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne...
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Author:  LarryH [ Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne... this case EnduroVar, and I noticed something that might be common knowledge. I live in SoCal so it never really gets that cold but my small shop is around 55 in the morning and it warms up quick to around 75 where I keep the temp for finishing.

I noticed a couple times now that if I brush on the EnduroVar while it's still cool and the shop is warm it flows much, much better than when the finish warms up. After everything gets warm the working time is greatly reduced and will drag quite a bit sooner that when the finish is cool.

Anyone else notice this? Is it a bad practice?

Author:  B. Howard [ Sun Jan 20, 2019 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne...

Water based finishes are more temp sensitive. we do not have a choice of solvents or blends with different evaporation rates so temp becomes a bit more critical. I have not noticed what you are seeing myself as I do not like WB finish for other reasons but it makes sense. As long as it cures I would see no problem keeping the finish in a chiller of some type to facilitate flow.... just do not make it too cold.

Author:  LarryH [ Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne...

Thanks Brian, sage advice as always. There is definitely a difference in working time with a cool WB. Not sure when too cool becomes uncool...Haven't refrigerated it but that will be the only way to cool it in the summer. May experiment, just to experiment...

Author:  Joe Beaver [ Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne...

I use to do KTM9 but I always sprayed it and only did finishing during warm, dry weather. I suspect cool finish on a relativity warm surface would warm on contact and flow better.

My only similar experience is with epoxy pore fill. I like to warm the wood first with a hair drier then spread the epoxy. I get the same effect as you do. It does flow much better.

Author:  LarryH [ Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warm Shop, Cool Waterborne...

Joe Beaver wrote:
My only similar experience is with epoxy pore fill. I like to warm the wood first with a hair drier then spread the epoxy. I get the same effect as you do. It does flow much better.

Good tip, been warming epoxy fills for a long time, really soaks in nicely and spreads like a dream...

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