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Buffing station air flow?
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Author:  SnowManSnow [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Buffing station air flow?

So.... I noticed on the stewmac page when they demonstrate their big buffer that Dan opens an exhaust fan before he starts...
I’m new to these things so I don’t know, but is that necessary ? What is he pulling out ?

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Author:  Michaeldc [ Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buffing station air flow?

SnowManSnow wrote:
So.... I noticed on the stewmac page when they demonstrate their big buffer that Dan opens an exhaust fan before he starts...
I’m new to these things so I don’t know, but is that necessary ? What is he pulling out ?

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It's not necessary but buffers are really messy especially when you are braking in the buffs. Even if you have dust collection alway wear a dust mask when buffing!

Best, M

Author:  Eric Reid [ Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Buffing station air flow?

Brown Lung (Byssinosis) used to be a pretty common occupational disease in the textile and papermaking industries. Exposure to cotton dust isn't healthy. Buffing the occasional guitar may not be a serious issue, but the dust makes a mess, and irritates your eyes and nose.

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