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ebonized maple fretbaord
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Author:  Conor_Searl [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  ebonized maple fretbaord

Would an unfinished ebonized maple fretboard over time end up with blond spots where fingertips wear away at the fingerboard? Or to phrase this question another way, how deep does the ebonizing go?

Author:  Brad Goodman [ Tue Nov 27, 2018 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ebonized maple fretbaord

Conor_Searl wrote:
Would an unfinished ebonized maple fretboard over time end up with blond spots where fingertips wear away at the fingerboard? Or to phrase this question another way, how deep does the ebonizing go?

The answer is -Yes, but that's what happened to the old ones that were made that way so the builders that do it now are alright with that....

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