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New M6 Washers
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Author:  jsmith [ Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  New M6 Washers

Maybe this topic has already been posted, but it's new to me. I just received a new set of chrome M6 Schallers. I assumed they were the same as all that I've used before, so I drilled 5/16" holes to recieve the threaded bushings, then reamed out the backsides to 10mm to accommodate the tuners. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the new M6 beveled washers have flanges (10mm O.D.) the same diameter as the "shaft" on the tuner body.

This was probably done to allow the builder to drill the 10mm hole completely through the peghead and still counteract the stress on the tuner shaft. I just wish I had known ahead of time. I already contacted the sales folks at LMI and Stew Mac to let them know. Just another lesson for me; never assume anything.

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