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pore filling cocobolo
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Author:  john weber [ Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  pore filling cocobolo

Can you use GLUEBOOST Fill n' Finish to fill the pores on the back and sides of a cocobolo guitar and will a shellac finish be OK on top. Thank john

Author:  Freeman [ Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pore filling cocobolo

Don't know about the GlueBoost, John, but the last guitar I built out of coco I pore filled with Zpoxy after giving it a good alcohol wipe. There was still quite a bit of red that came up into the epoxy. I was also paranoid about red migrating from the coco to the maple purfling strips so I did some of the binding after the coco was epoxied.


A long time ago I did a little test on some koa with Zpoxy, thin CA and standard paste filler - I felt that the Zpoxy did a better job of popping the figure. And I personally react so badly to any CA that I would be terrified using it as pore filler - I have to wear a respirator any time I work with the stuff.

Also, sorry, I can't comment on shellac. I use it sometimes as a base coat or to seal wood but not as a finish in itself.

Author:  jfmckenna [ Thu Jul 12, 2018 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: pore filling cocobolo

Shellac is pretty much well known to stick to anything. I used Star Bond on a recent guitar though it was not Cocobolo and French Polished it. CA is an amazing filler if you ask me. I will most certainly be using it again.

The obvious answer is.... Make a test panel and find out for yourself.

Author:  john weber [ Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: pore filling cocobolo

Thanks for the info. and great looking guitar thanks john

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