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MN Builders, want to sell some of your guitars?
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Author:  Dave Livermore [ Tue Jul 10, 2018 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  MN Builders, want to sell some of your guitars?

I gotta admit, There seems to be a vacuum, a void, a near complete lack of stores in my area of the country displaying and selling luthier made guitars.
Being a do-er, I have decided to do something about this.

If you are a Minnesota or nearly-Minnesota luthier, are ready to sell some guitars and get your name out there, please let me know.

I have an in with a music store where they will give some wall space to a few builders.
Having one or two high end guitars doesn't seem to draw a crowd in. But having a dozen from four or five different builders might just give a potential buyer an excuse to stop in this store and play them. Get an idea of what they are looking for and either buy one or commission their own from one of the builders.

If you are interested in talking Turkey, I can get into nitty gritty details with you.


Author:  Haans [ Tue Jul 10, 2018 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MN Builders, want to sell some of your guitars?

I'm in if it is a good store. Who is it?

Author:  Terence Kennedy [ Tue Jul 10, 2018 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MN Builders, want to sell some of your guitars?

David Roos, 30 plus year Podium sales guy and iconic jazz guitarist has a website for sales and has sold one archtop for me but I am not sure it will evolve as expected. I have an OM listed there now.

Yeah I would be interested.

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