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HF wood/brass small planes
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Author:  phavriluk [ Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  HF wood/brass small planes

I bought and put on the shelf a set of Harbor Freight 'mini brass planes', the princely sum of thirteen bucks, less coupon discount. I used the block plane of the set yesterday to taper the soundboard braces on my current project 'in situ', as a consequence space was at a premium. Little bugger worked just fine. At least very nicely for the price. I did sharpen the blade (scary sharp technique) before I used the plane. Haven't had a use for the other 2 planes in the set as of yet. It's not a finger plane, but I think it delivers value for the price spent.

Now to see if I can get any use out of the five-dollar spokeshave...

Author:  Clay S. [ Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HF wood/brass small planes

I bought a similar block plane off ebay last year ($7) after using one a co-worker had. For small jobs it is quite handy. The other two planes look like they could be useful also. The HF set looks like a better deal if they are just as nice. Next time I'm at HF i'll have to look them up.

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