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Help with Grizzly radius neck sanding attachment
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Author:  Mark Hanna [ Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with Grizzly radius neck sanding attachment

Hi Guys, been awhile since I posted. I recently moved my shop, and during the move I lost the sled to my grizzly radius sanding attachment. The model is G0577, and goes on the 80" belt sander. I have a metal shop and I'm trying to reproduce the sled. Does anyone have one of these, who would be willing to take a measurement of the length of the bottom rail where the fret board attaches, and the length and thickness of the round rod connecting the two swing arms? Also need the length of the 1" round pivot adjusters that the collars are on. And the thickness of the collars. I really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.

Author:  RogerC108 [ Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with Grizzly radius neck sanding attachment

Mark Hanna wrote:
the length of the bottom rail where the fret board attaches - 28"

and the length and thickness of the round rod connecting the two swing arms - 23 7/8", .75"

Also need the length of the 1" round pivot adjusters that the collars are on - 2.75"

And the thickness of the collars - 5/8"

There ya go

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